चैतन्य विज्ञान एवं कला महाविद्यालय, पामगढ़
Affiliated to Shaheed Nandkumar Patel Vishwavidyalaya, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India
Social Work Council was formed in the Department of Social Work in Chaitanya Science & Arts College Pamgarh. Dr. Bhawna Verma, Principal Hitkarni College, Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh K. Priya Dubey President, K. Bhuvneshwari Suryavanshi, Vice President, Gulshan Tandon Secretary, Chanda Kumari as Co-Secretary and Sworn oath to other members. Social research of this council, contemplation on social problem with exploratory research, educational tour overview, agency visit, workshop seminar, Lectures, social cooperation, disaster management, and connecting students with the mainstream of society will be the main objective of the Social Work Council. Dr. Garima Tiwari gave the welcome address, outlining the purpose and work of the Social Work Council. Bhavna Verma, while congratulating the newly formed council officials, said that by working with the spirit of cooperation with the people of every section of the society, social worker can easily do the work of making the society organized and strong.
The first aim should be to protect the interests of the society. Patron and Principal Dr. Sharad K Bajpayee told the Social Work Council helpful in doing research on social thinking and social problems and needs. College Director Virendra Tiwari said that there is no greater virtuous work than social service, if social service is done selflessly, then the duty of humanity can be fulfilled in the right way. Therefore, the worker should continue to serve the society continuously.
Dr. Narendra Nath Guria talked about providing services to the students by conducting research at the handicapped, disabled clients and village level. In the advisory committee, Virendra Tiwari, Dr. R. K.Verma, Dr. Bhavna Verma, Dr. Tara Sharma, Dr. Pratibha J. Mishra, Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Dr. Sureshchandra Rai, Dr. Garima Tiwari, Dr. Vikram Singh, Dr.K. Of. Agarwal, Dr. Shashi Gupta, Dr. K P Kurre, Dr. B. Of. Dahria, Prof. Sanjeev Lavanya. Dr. Narendra Nath Guria talked about providing services to the students by conducting research at the handicapped, disabled clients and village level. In the advisory committee, Virendra Tiwari, Dr. R. K.Verma, Dr. Bhavna Verma, Dr. Tara Sharma, Dr. Pratibha J. Mishra, Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Dr. Sureshchandra Rai, Dr. Garima Tiwari, Dr. Vikram Singh, Dr.K. Agrawal, Dr. Shashi Gupta, Dr. K P Kurre, Dr. B.K. Dahria, Prof. Sanjeev Lavanya.